
Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
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Me por Mind Map: Me

1. family

1.1. mom

1.2. 3 brothers

1.3. 5 sisters

2. goals

2.1. get through high school

2.2. help my mom as much as I can this year

2.3. dont get in to progect ed

3. pet peeves

3.1. I hate when people ignore

3.2. I hate when people leave me out.

3.3. I hate when i do stuff and people say i do nothing

4. wories

4.1. geting in serious trouble

4.2. being homeless in the future

4.3. not suceeding in life

5. memories

5.1. I remember when i was little, I walking around the block looking for my cat.

5.2. I remember when i went to this national park... it was HUGE.

5.3. I remeber my first time riding a bike... it was a mountain bike and i smacked my face on the side mirror of a van.

6. friends

6.1. Hunter Blake

6.2. Kodey Burns

6.3. Clayton Walker

7. favorite songs

7.1. How Could You

7.2. SK the Legend

7.3. all I know

8. hobbies

8.1. baseball

8.2. I run

8.3. I hang out with friends

9. things I know

9.1. i know how too blay baseball

9.2. i know how to knit

9.3. i know how too make pretty good strategies