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animals por Mind Map: animals

1. bear

1.1. is one of the largest animals. Bear weight may vary depending on the season being autumn when outweighs spring.

2. rabbit

2.1. Mammal arched elongated body about 40 cm in length, soft and thick hair, long ears,short tail and hind legs more developed than the front; lives in burrows and reproduces very quickly

3. dolphin

3.1. Aquatic mammal of about 2.5 m in length, grayish snout long beaked and large mouth equipped with many small teeth; It lives in warm and temperate seas, feeding on fish and squid

4. dog

4.1. It is man´s best friend and is a pet

5. cat

5.1. Animal is a tender and maintaining a relationship with humans

6. tiger

6.1. It is a carnivorous predator and feline species is the world's largest