7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization por Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Science and Technology

1.1. Sumeria

1.1.1. Invented of the wheel

1.1.2. Came up with concept of diving the hour into 60 minutes, and the minute into 60 seconds

1.1.3. Were the first Astronomers

1.1.4. Developed a complex system of sewers

1.2. Shang-Zhou Dynasty

1.2.1. Made Bronze weapons

1.2.2. Made one of the first accurate calenders

1.2.3. Develped Healing methods like accupuncture

1.2.4. Developed basic mathemetics

2. Government and Leaders

2.1. Sumeria

2.1.1. Priests and nobles played a role in church and government

2.1.2. Had a strong powerful leader as head of government

2.1.3. Leader was also head of church (priest or shaman )

2.1.4. Planned citys and roadways were organized in nature seemed to have a systematic approach to there ways

2.2. Shang-Zhou Dynasty

2.2.1. Emperor was surpreme power

2.2.2. Strong millitary based goverment

2.2.3. King Tang was the first Emporer

2.2.4. Was a stable socieity and he was a good leader

3. Geography and Agriculture

3.1. Sumeria

3.1.1. Located between the Tigress and Euphrates River in the region called Mesopotamia

3.1.2. The soil was very fertile

3.1.3. Used farming method called Mono-cropping which means planting the same crop year after year

3.1.4. They also domesticated animals

3.2. Shang-Zhou Dynasty

3.2.1. Located by Yellow river and Himmilayan Mountains

3.2.2. Main crop was rice

3.2.3. Also domesticated animals

3.2.4. Very primitive agriculture

4. Religion

4.1. Shang-Zhou Dynasty

4.1.1. They were polytheistic

4.1.2. Head god name was Shang Ti

4.1.3. Worship of ancestors was very important

4.1.4. Sacrifices/gifts to the gods

4.2. Sumeria

4.2.1. Regarded the universe as consisting of heaven and earth

4.2.2. They had 50 gods

4.2.3. They built shrines to worship their gods

4.2.4. Sumerian preists were believed to be the connection between man and god

5. Arts and Education

5.1. Shang-Zhou Dynasty

5.1.1. No public education system

5.1.2. Accurate writing system

5.1.3. Made sculptures

5.1.4. They used pottery with molds and glazes

5.2. Sumeria

5.2.1. Used a writing called Cuneiform

5.2.2. Developed a math system based on the number 60

5.2.3. They drew on tablets of dried mud

5.2.4. Sumerians paid scribes to create written documents

6. Economy and Trade

6.1. Sumeria

6.1.1. They traded with southwest Asia exchanging woven textiles and metals for stone and timber

6.1.2. First known business started in Sumer

6.1.3. Economy was based off agriculture

6.1.4. Influenced by major technological advances

6.2. Shang-Zhou Dynasty

6.2.1. The sers and slaves preformed all economic function of society

6.2.2. Main income came from farming and agriculture

6.2.3. Artisans preformed most trades

6.2.4. They mainly traded with zhou

7. Social Structure and Family Life

7.1. Sumeria

7.1.1. Upper class contained Nobels, preists, goverment officials, and warriors

7.1.2. Middel/lower class consisted of mertchants, traders, and artisans and very lowest was slaves

7.1.3. Husband or father was master of household

7.1.4. Even allowed to sell his wife or kids into slavery

7.2. Shang-Zhou Dynasty

7.2.1. The king was leader of Shang Dynasty

7.2.2. Kings, aristocrats,and burbaucrats were upper class people

7.2.3. Lower class was perfs and peasents were lower class

7.2.4. Father/Husband was leader of household, women did not have a say in political or social matters.