Wedding Agendas & Responsibilities

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Wedding Agendas & Responsibilities por Mind Map: Wedding Agendas & Responsibilities

1. Groom

1.1. Getting the basics out of the way

1.1.1. Schedule Final Counseling

1.2. When down to maybe 4 months...

1.2.1. Plan when you will need to get the marriage license. The venue has no requirements, just be sure you time getting it so that it doesn't expire before our date!

1.2.2. Discuss plans for bachelor party, finalize a date and communicate it to your groomsmen.

1.2.3. Buy groomsmen gifts

1.2.4. Be in contact with your men about event dates and fittings.

1.3. A few nick-knacks, if you can...

1.3.1. Talk to mom about the ring bearer box or pillow

1.3.2. Did you decide on the guest book you wanted? Don't forget a pen.

1.4. About one month to go...

1.4.1. Get your final tux fittings done to ensure a correct fit.

1.4.2. Prepare to get the marriage license. Do not forget your forms of ID, and at least $60 cash or so for fees. (Or bring a Ben.) Click the arrow here for Tx state license laws and requirements.

1.4.3. Ensure everything is moved into the apartment

1.4.4. Find out when all rentals must be returned by, and communicate this with your groomsmen. Traditionally, the best man would return yours as well, when you're away on a honeymoon. Communicate with your best man to make plans.

1.5. Day-Of Duties

1.5.1. Make sure yourself and the men arrive about 1.5 hrs early. (Around 2:30)

2. Best Man

2.1. Organize Bachelor Party

2.2. Prepare a toast

2.3. Day-Of duties

2.3.1. Help the groom stay on schedule

2.3.2. Prepare the great send-off!

3. Mom

3.1. Click the arrow here for a photo of a groom's cake like he's wanting.

4. Ushers

4.1. Learn the seating arrangement of all VIPs / family

4.2. Attend the rehearsal

4.3. Learn the precession for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, so as to assist them entering down the aisle timely

4.4. Day-of duties

4.4.1. Greet incoming guests, and assist their seating

4.4.2. Point incoming guests to the guest book

4.4.3. Point incoming guests to the present table

4.4.4. Ask guests to leave their cell phones and cameras off during the ceremony, but that they’re encouraged to take photos during the reception

4.4.5. Seat guests

4.4.6. Seat VIPs

4.4.7. Spread the aisle runner for the wedding party

4.4.8. Assist groomsmen and bridesmaids in entering down the aisle on their cue

4.4.9. Open the large doors in time for the bride’s entrance down the aisle

5. Photographers

6. Bride

6.1. 4 months left

6.1.1. Work on mom's to-do

6.1.2. Get details about Todd's cake

6.1.3. Finish Invites Get 4x6 Envelopes Get RSVP envelopes Figure out to do with the discolored prints

6.1.4. Pay off photographer

6.2. About one month to go...

6.2.1. Create Wedding-Day Emergency Kit Kleenex Baby or makeup wipes (Sewing kit?) Bottle of water First aid Clear nail polish (for snags) Dental floss and brush kit Bobby pins (Smelling salts?) Straw Deodorant Hair spray Makeup Mirror Hygiene products Granola bars, etc.

6.2.2. Prepare to bring wedding day boxes The bridal gear box The wedding day gear box Don't forget sparklers

6.2.3. Get final head count / Harass for last minute RSVPs

6.2.4. Get your free mani/pedi

7. Mom

7.1. Alter dress

7.1.1. Fix slippage

7.1.2. Line petticoat

7.1.3. Bustle dress

7.2. Finish Veil

7.2.1. Re-order lace

7.3. Finish floral

7.3.1. Julie's bouquet

7.3.2. Tossing bouquet

7.4. Paint Bottles

7.5. Flower girl basket

7.6. Flower girl wreath

7.7. Paint cake topper, put in wedding box

7.8. Talk to Todd about ring bearer box / pillows

7.9. With about a few months to go...

7.9.1. Plan the cake You are allowed to do cake cutting, but there is also no charge for them to. I'll leave that up to you, just let me know either way so I can inform them. Click the arrow here for photos of the bridal cake

8. Maid of Honor

8.1. Host/Co-Host (with Ellen and Charlie) the bachelorette party

8.2. Help keep bridesmaids informed of all events/fittings

8.3. Prepare a toast, if you choose to.

8.4. Day-of duties

8.4.1. Organize bridesmaids. Remind them to keep the schedule. Make sure they remember all their clothing and jewelry items. (I will help in providing details and schedules, and jewelry gifts at rehearsal.)

8.4.2. Ensure the bridesmaids know their cues for when to walk down the aisle.

8.4.3. Assist the bride getting her gown on. (Unless my mother feels she should...)

8.4.4. Fluff the veil and train at the altar. Hold the bride’s bouquet.

8.4.5. Be very factual in the face of my panic. Calmly help me in designating tasks last minute, to ensure everything gets done. Help me remember the schedule.

8.4.6. Help round up ladies for the bouquet toss

8.4.7. Prepare the great send-off!