7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization por Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Shang/Zhou

1.1. development of warfare technology like iron weapons, armament, chariots.

1.2. glass production

1.3. dyeing of yarns and woven materials like silk and linen

1.4. perfection of the calendar

2. Sumerians

2.1. Humans used Rivers

2.2. Territory in the North is called Assyria

2.3. Banks are lower for better irrigation

2.4. When there is no flood then there will not be no problems

3. Shang/Zhou

3.1. Had its core area in the middle of the Yellow Kingdom

3.2. Ancient places did not survive the Shang period

3.3. 15th century BCE, it experienced its largest expansion

3.4. There were probably a number of early centers of Bronze technology

4. Arts and Education

4.1. Sumerians

4.1.1. Made tablets with words on them from mud and clay that were sealed in clay envelopes

4.1.2. They had seals which were imprints on a stone that rolled over clay to make imprents

4.1.3. The schools were run by priests and were very tough

4.1.4. Only boys were allowed to go to school and if a girl wanted to learn she would have to be taught by her parents

4.2. Shang/Zhou

4.2.1. They made inscriptions on oracle bones around 3600 years ago

4.2.2. The Shang used bronze in fine arts and to also make fish hooks

4.2.3. One person would teach people his whole life

4.2.4. There were nine grades in this system of schooling

5. Science and Technology

5.1. came up with the concept of dividing the hour into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds

5.2. may have invented military formations

5.3. tools and weapons: saws, chisels, hammers, braces, bits, nails, pins, rings, hoes, axes, knives, lancepoints, arrowheads, swords, glue, daggers, armor

5.4. they were among the first formal astronomers

6. Government and Leaders

6.1. Sumerians

6.1.1. Had a Monarchy government the kings established the rule throughout

6.1.2. The king was in charge of the construction of all buildings and temples

6.1.3. Each city/State had their own ruler

6.1.4. The rulers made all of the rules and decided the punishments

6.2. Shang/Zhou

6.2.1. ''Mandate of heaven'' leaders gained authority from the gods

6.2.2. They believed the gods let their dynasty fall

6.2.3. They believe that the Zhou dynasty over threw the Shang dynasty

6.2.4. The ruler divided the land into fiefs the rulers family members owned the fiefs and all the farmers in then

7. Social Structure and Family Life

7.1. Sumerians

7.1.1. Upper class contained priests

7.1.2. Merchants, Traders were in Middle Class

7.1.3. There was Slavery

7.1.4. Each Sumerian city rose up around a local God

7.2. Shang/Zhou

7.2.1. A Family ruled over the whole village

7.2.2. Had large houses and worked in the millitary or were other positions

7.2.3. Most people worked with arts and pottery all the time

7.2.4. The whole family lived in a very large house together

8. Economy and Trade

8.1. Sumerians

8.1.1. The Sumerian economy was based on agriculture, which was influenced by major technological advances in Mesopotamian history.

8.1.2. Jobs included pottery makers, stonecutters, bricklayers, metal smiths, farmers, fishers, shepherds, weavers, leather-workers, and sailors.

8.1.3. Iron was smelted about 2500 BC.

8.1.4. The wheel was invented for carts, chariots, and pottery making.

8.2. Shang/Zhou

8.2.1. Main income came from farming or the harvest of crops

8.2.2. Most of the work was done by the peasants, the nobles just ordered them around

8.2.3. Silk later became China’s main export

8.2.4. Many artisans manufactured weapons, ritual vessels, jewelry.

9. Religion

9.1. Sumerians

9.1.1. Practiced polythiesm

9.1.2. Would worship many Gods

9.1.3. Believed that God protected each city-state

9.1.4. Believed that Gods were like humans

9.2. Shang/Zhou

9.2.1. Offered food and wine to the dead

9.2.2. Honored ancestors through rituals

9.2.3. Believed in Confucianism, Daoism

9.2.4. Also believed in Legalism

10. Geography and Agriculture