AVN Deep Sea Exploration and Drilling

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AVN Deep Sea Exploration and Drilling por Mind Map: AVN Deep Sea Exploration and Drilling

1. Project Managment

1.1. Oversee Completion of Project

1.1.1. draft project plan

1.1.2. collaborate with AVN PM

1.2. Perform Phase

1.2.1. support team members

1.2.2. responsible to see completion

1.3. Close Project

1.3.1. quality control

1.3.2. evaluate if needs were met

2. SME Interviews

2.1. Travel to Australia

2.1.1. schedule interviews

2.1.2. write interview quesitons

2.2. Conduct interviews

2.2.1. conduct interviews

2.2.2. transcribe interviews

2.3. Deliver to ID Team

2.3.1. deliver video footage

2.3.2. deliver trancripts

3. Instructional Design

3.1. Instructional Designers

3.1.1. ADDIE

3.1.2. Deliver SME interview questions

3.2. Modules

3.2.1. develop each module

3.2.2. Collaborate with mulch-meadia team

3.3. LMS

3.3.1. Incorporate learning objects

3.3.2. build the LMS ready to implement

4. Vidoe Footage

4.1. Travel to Austraila

4.1.1. set up shoot

4.1.2. get dive gear

4.2. Oil Drilling Footage

4.2.1. film all required footage

4.2.2. edit footage

4.3. SME Interviews

4.3.1. film interviews

4.3.2. edit interviews

5. Multi-Media Developers

5.1. Objectives

5.1.1. obtain design plan

5.1.2. write project objectives

5.2. Develop

5.2.1. incorporate video footage

5.2.2. develop interactive objects

5.3. Deliver Learning Objects

5.3.1. SCORM compliant

5.3.2. Collaborate with ID team