Skipping Calc AB

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Skipping Calc AB por Mind Map: Skipping Calc AB

1. Time: I want to be time efficient, which would mean not wasting a year doing Calculus AB. Learning: I love learning and want to be the best at math I can possibly be.

2. I decided to skip Calculus AB and asked my math teacher for a letter of recommendation.

3. Calculus BC is definitely challenging me, but I love the class and while it does require a lot time, I think I am getting myself ahead of the crowd.

4. I am not sure whether or not I should take Calculus BC my junior year or Calculus AB

5. So I could take Calculus BC junior year and just skip a year of Calculus AB, or take Calculus AB junior year and Calculus BC senior year.

6. I am happy, but not doing as well as the kids who didn't skip. I am also spending a lot more time trying to catch up.