
Plan your website and create the next important tasks for get your project rolling

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Emma por Mind Map: Emma

1. Amigos

1.1. Karina

1.2. Paulina

1.3. Jesus

2. Escuela

2.1. UABC

3. Peliculas

3.1. The perks of being a wallflower

3.2. The art og getting by

4. Color favorito

4.1. Negro

4.2. Blanco

4.3. Verde

5. Artistas favoritos

5.1. Sky Ferreira

5.2. Grimes

5.3. Gorillaz

5.4. Warm Soda

6. Comida

6.1. Hot-dog

6.2. Quesadillas

6.3. Enchiladas

7. Animal

7.1. Gatos

7.2. Caballos

7.3. Conejos

7.4. Perros