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Webquests por Mind Map: Webquests

1. Messy Problem

1.1. Needs to have multiple answers

1.2. Determines how long the webquest will be

1.3. Make sure its not a series of activities

2. Roles

2.1. As many roles as group members

2.2. Ideally 4

2.3. Even opposing and agreeing

3. Constructivism

4. Blooms Taxonomy

4.1. Creating

4.1.1. justify, debate, argue, discuss

4.2. Evaluating

4.2.1. invent, compose, predict, devise

4.3. Analysing

4.3.1. identify, examine, seperate, analyse

4.4. Applying

4.4.1. solve, show, illustrate

4.5. Understanding

4.5.1. explain, outline, compare, describe

4.6. Remembering

4.6.1. tell, list, describe, find, name

5. Evaluation

5.1. Students should know how they will be assessed

5.1.1. Could include a rubric

6. Higher Order Thinking

6.1. Should include activities from all of Blooms Taxonomy but particulary the top 3

7. Introduction

7.1. Create intrigue

7.2. Use images

7.3. Needs to be authentic

8. Task

8.1. When making a Webquest, do this last

8.2. Contain the question

9. Process

9.1. Outlines task for students step-by-step

9.2. Very specific

9.3. Make sure there is a chance for real world feedback at the end

10. Resources

10.1. Need to be age approporiate

10.2. Should be self-contained

10.3. Include 'quirky' websites

10.4. Could include an avatar