Go Animate

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Go Animate por Mind Map: Go Animate

1. Explore

1.1. Goanimate has its own blog which keeps users up to date on what's new with Goanimate and how the potential of video sharing can be maximized!

1.2. Goanimate4schools is a completely separate version of this site designed specifically for schools. It has added security measures and only "clean" content. All backgrounds, characters and character actions are appropriate for K-12 students. Teachers also have more control. They can monitor videos before they are posted by their students, split students up into assigned animation groups via a group management tool, and their students' videos can not be seen by the public. This version of the site however does not allow for integration with other social media sites. https://goanimate4schools.com/public_index

2. Collaborate

2.1. Goanimate also offers it's users the ability to collaborate. While viewing a video, team members (in work or school groups) can write notes and leave comments for each other, which are displayed side by side with the video.

2.1.1. Is this almost like a chat session? Are the notes anonymous/labeled, etc??? -Dr. Fritz

2.2. The student/school version of this site allows students to work together in small groups to create videos and present them to classmates.

3. After reviewing Go Animate, I like the way students could create their own video using the easy design tools. The security of the website is great keeping the videos educational. I could see students using this to create an animated presentation on a topic. (B.Wong)

4. I was introduced to Go Animate a few years ago during a tech training. Seeing it again was refreshing and brought back wonderful ideas on ways to motivate kids to learn a variety of topics. I think it would be cool for kids to make their own videos in relation to a story they were creating or even for a book they reading in class. I was also thinking how it could be used to make "movie trailers" for kids to share and interest peers in self-selected books. {S.Luckenbaugh}

5. Create

5.1. Goanimate is a tool which allows users to bring their imaginations to life. After signing up for Goanimate the creator can choose between a variety of animation types including 2D animations, whiteboard-style animations, and even moving charts and graphs for more professional and information-based productions. This tool is great for both students and teachers because it allows for a fun and interesting way to report information, share ideas and make presentations. Students can also further develop skills such as writing and develop new skills related to storyboarding, character development, and even persuasion.

5.1.1. Just be careful with GoAnimate! It's very easy to create an animation (like a cartoon) that just has people talking to one another. This isn't much different than a lecture. Animation should be used to enhance the curriculum/lesson - not for another form of lecture. -Dr. Fritz

5.2. Goanimate is designed to be easy to operate. Backgrounds and characters are added into an animation via simple drag and drop functions. Other media the user has previously made or owns can be uploaded to a movie or presentation, including pictures and music. Dialogue for characters to speak can be written as text and then read by a computer voice, or dialouge can be recorded, and then assigned to a character which automatically lip-syncs to it.

5.3. The following link is to my first try using this website about a year ago. This was actually for an assignment for another education class where we were exploring media tools to use in the classroom. This is a possible example of how a student might use this tool in the classroom. This particular video very briefly describes the Boston Tea Party. It's a bit amusing....http://goanimate.com/videos/0vU4jSr1O7uQ?utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=linkshare&utm_campaign=usercontent

6. Share

6.1. GoAnimate doesn't just allow for the creation of funny, and even professional videos. It also allows for social networking. Much like Twitter, users can pick animators to follow and can be followed. Rather than be updated about "tweets" however, those who sign up for Goanimate look for new videos posted by those they follow.

6.2. Goanimate videos can be exported to and shared with many other social media sites and networking tools, including Youtube. This allows your potential audience to increase and makes for easy sharing.