Germanic kingdoms

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Germanic kingdoms por Mind Map: Germanic kingdoms

1. smaller kingdoms

1.1. Franks in France

1.2. Visigoths in Spain

1.3. Ostrogoths and Lombards in Italy

1.4. Angles and saxons in Britain

2. Economy

2.1. Agriculture

2.2. Urban activities

2.2.1. crafts trade

2.2.2. economically self-suficient

2.2.3. Declined

3. Location

3.1. Western Europe

4. Monarchy

4.1. Political

4.1.1. Military

4.2. helped by council

5. Religion

5.1. Christianity

5.2. Paganism

6. By the way, this is a floating topic. To create a floating topic, simply drag it away from the map center.

7. Culture

7.1. declined

7.2. Only survived in monasteries

8. (Hierarchical)Society

8.1. Privileged groups (minority)

8.1.1. Aristocracy Nobility Clergy

8.2. Non privileged groups (majority)

8.2.1. Free men Peasants , craftmen

8.2.2. Non free serfs