Disabilities identified under IDEA

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Disabilities identified under IDEA por Mind Map: Disabilities identified under IDEA

1. Autism

1.1. Accommodations

1.1.1. Visual and written daily schedules and instructions

1.1.2. Classroom aides

1.1.3. Allow extra time to respond to directions

1.1.4. Repeat or rephrase instructions

1.1.5. Posting rules of the class

1.1.6. Visual and verbal cues

1.2. Assistive technology

1.2.1. MyVoice

1.2.2. GoTalk Pocket

2. Deaf Blindness

2.1. accommodations

2.1.1. tactile interpreter

2.1.2. notetaker

2.2. Assistive technology

2.2.1. Computer Assisted Real-Time Translation (CART)- displayed in large print or fed through a refreshable braille

3. Deafness

3.1. Accommodations

3.1.1. An oral interpreter

3.1.2. captions for any videos used in class

3.1.3. Note taking

3.2. Assistive technology

3.2.1. FM system-Auditory information is connected directly to the hearing aid

3.2.2. Computer Assisted Real-Time Translation (CART)

4. Developmental Delay

4.1. Accommodations

4.1.1. visual cues to orient student in the classroom

4.1.2. Post a clear and predictable daily schedule

4.1.3. Use strategies to make directions and learning expectations clearly understood

4.2. Assistive technology

4.2.1. My Li’l Reminder

4.2.2. Brother PT1290

4.2.3. Radio Shack Talking Watch

4.2.4. Geemarc Amplified Telephone

4.2.5. B.A. Bar

4.2.6. First Then Visual Schedule

4.2.7. Mem-X

4.2.8. The Planning and Execution Trainer (PEAT)

5. Emotional Disturbance

5.1. Accommodations

5.1.1. Extend the amount of time that a student is given to complete a particular task

5.1.2. Break down assignments into smaller ones

5.1.3. Reduce the number of practice items

5.1.4. Plan short review lessons or readiness activities

5.2. Assistive technology

5.2.1. The Motivaider

5.2.2. The Talklight

5.2.3. iPod

5.2.4. BrainPop

5.2.5. Funmath.com

5.2.6. Inspiration

6. Hearing Impairment

6.1. Accommodations

6.1.1. facial expression

6.1.2. directly face the student: 3-5ft

6.1.3. Rephrase the message conveyed

6.1.4. copy of notes are provided

6.1.5. written test instead of oral test

6.2. Assistive technology

6.2.1. Hearing aids

6.2.2. Cochlear implants

6.2.3. FM system

6.2.4. Sound field system

7. Intellectual Disability

7.1. Accommodations

7.1.1. Quiet Work Space

7.1.2. functional day-to-day activities

7.1.3. Repetition of Concepts Over the Day

7.1.4. Hands on Learning

7.2. Assistive technology

7.2.1. Audiobooks, e-Text support for reading and listening comprehension

7.2.2. smartboards

7.2.3. Personal digital assistants

7.2.4. Graphic organizers

7.2.5. Screen magnifiers

8. Multiple Disabilities

8.1. Accommodations

8.1.1. Moving the student in front of the class

8.1.2. Change the way the material is presented

8.2. Assistive technology

8.2.1. IntelliTools

8.2.2. IntelliKeys

8.2.3. Clicker5

8.2.4. Smartboards

9. Other Health Impairment

9.1. Accommodations

9.1.1. Notetakers and notetaking services

9.1.2. Audio or video taped class sessions.

9.1.3. Flexible attendance requirements.

9.1.4. Extended exam time or alternative testing arrangements.

9.1.5. Assignments available in electronic format.

9.1.6. An environment which minimizes fatigue and injury.

9.1.7. For more complex activities, simplify steps to make them more manageable

9.2. Assistive technology

9.2.1. personal digital assistants

9.2.2. dictating machines

9.2.3. computer programs

10. Specific Learning Disability

10.1. Accommodations

10.1.1. “read-along” technique with taped texts and materials

10.1.2. Tape the lesson or the teacher should provide a copy of the lesson outline.

10.1.3. educational videos and films or talking books

10.1.4. word webs and visual organizers

10.2. Assistive technology

10.2.1. computers with print-recognition software that "read" text aloud

10.2.2. speech recognition systems that turn oral language into written text

10.2.3. talking calculators that assist people with math difficulties

10.2.4. software that predicts and edits words for people who are prone to spelling difficulties

11. Speech or language impairment

11.1. Accommodations

11.1.1. giving additional time to complete assignments

11.1.2. substituting written papers or projects for oral presentations

11.1.3. allowing the student to demonstrate learning one-on-one with the teacher

11.2. Assistive technology

11.2.1. augmentative and alternative communication device

11.2.2. speech output device

12. Traumatic Brain injury

12.1. Accommodations

12.1.1. Preferential seating to optimize attention and concentration

12.1.2. Avoiding distracting stimuli

12.1.3. Subtly repeating directions to the student after they have been given to the class

12.1.4. Using computer-assisted instruction

12.1.5. Providing visual aids, large print

12.1.6. Breaking longer presentations into shorter segments

12.2. Assistive technology

12.2.1. Highlighting pen/tape

12.2.2. Slant board

12.2.3. Tape recorder with head phones

12.2.4. Calculator with large print display and/or large keypad

12.2.5. Portable word processor with built-in spellchecker

12.2.6. Electronic dictionary/thesaurus

13. Visual impairment including blindness

13.1. Accommodations

13.1.1. Braille

13.1.2. Large print

13.1.3. Lesson will be given in accesible format before the class starts

13.2. Assistive technology

13.2.1. Audio

13.2.2. Video Magnifiers (CCTVs)-access to diagrams, graphs, maps, math

14. Orthopedic Impairment

14.1. Accommodations

14.1.1. Special seating arrangements to develop useful posture and movements

14.1.2. Instruction focused on development of gross and fine motor skills

14.1.3. Securing suitable augmentative communication and other assistive devices

14.2. Assistive technology

14.2.1. speech recognition software

14.2.2. screen reading software

14.2.3. augmentative and alternative communication devices

14.2.4. academic software packages for students with disabilities