Development in Adolescences By: Shyla Dejesus

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Development in Adolescences By: Shyla Dejesus por Mind Map: Development in Adolescences By: Shyla Dejesus

1. Cognitive

1.1. Teenagers develop a bigger self-concept

1.1.1. The teen develops a sense of what they are capable of doing, and the possibilities they can choose from.

1.1.2. These cognitive changes can also effect the teens view on the future and understanding others.

1.2. The brain

1.2.1. The youth in the adolescence stage starts to develop more and intellectually.

1.2.2. Understanding problems more then one at once, and using different strategies to solve them.

2. Moral

2.1. What is it?

2.1.1. Moral development is the way teens choose to live their lives.

2.1.2. The teenager in the adolescence stage, makes moral decisions which influences the life they live and the way they live it.

2.1.3. By late adolescence teens are more mature and have developed a good sense of moral decision making.

2.2. What influences it?

2.2.1. religion, culture, and beliefs all influence a teens moral judgement.

2.2.2. Youths development throughout their adolescence stage influences their moral decision/judgement.

2.2.3. Peer pressure is the main influence in Moral development.

2.2.4. Teens who have gone through hard things throughout their life such as a death, physical/mental health, traumatic experiences may have a more difficult time making their moral decisions and/or judgements.

3. psychological

3.1. The teen builds upon their social skills

3.1.1. "fitting in" becomes a huge importance in the teens life.

3.1.2. The teen gains acceptance from their peers, and find out who they trust and fit in well with.

3.1.3. Friend groups, social groups are formed.

3.2. The teen develops an identity of their own

3.2.1. The teenager develops their own rules and guidelines for themselves.

3.2.2. They start to figure out who they are, and their beliefs and values.

3.3. The teenager develops their abilities

3.3.1. The teenager develops their commitment, knowledge and other skills that build a persons personality.

3.3.2. All these abilities represent the teens ways of achieving things throughout their adolescence stage.

3.4. The teenager starts to take responsibility

3.4.1. The teenager starts to make commitments to people/things such as teams.

3.4.2. The youth in the adolescence stage starts to take responsibility towards their goals, and the activities their only able to do on their own, by their own choices.

3.4.3. Culture and beliefs are an example of another thing that the teen may take responsibility towards.