"Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell!"

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"Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell!" por Mind Map: "Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell!"

1. "Fool"

1.1. Polonius is an idiot who only does what the higher up people tell him to do

1.1.1. He is a "yes man" who cannot think for himself

2. "Wretched"

2.1. To wretch is to puke- Polonius is the puke of society

2.1.1. Could also refer to his unkempt, gross ways

3. Could all refer to Hamlet

3.1. "Farewell"- He doomed himself

3.2. "Rash" is self descriptive

3.3. Handled the entire Claudius situation poorly- "fool"

3.4. He is intruding on his mom's private affairs

4. Lots of "r" sounds

4.1. Sounds very harsh, similar to Hamlet's judgments and statements toward others

4.2. Emphasizes "r" words, making them extra sharp- makes them hurt more-

4.2.1. "adding insult to injury"

5. "Rash"

5.1. Calls Polonius rash even through is is Hamlet who is rash

5.2. Queen calls Hamlet rash just a few lines before

6. "Farewell"

6.1. Hamlet does not truly wish this

6.2. Sarcastic, pointed remark at expense of Polonius's corpse.

6.3. To fare well means to do well

6.3.1. Polonius did not do well in life- "fishmonger"

7. "Intruding"

7.1. Polonius is intruding on the King's family, not just now, but all along

7.1.1. Though not the intended victim, he was kind of asking for it