Ecological Levels of Organization

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Ecological Levels of Organization por Mind Map: Ecological Levels of Organization

1. Ecosystem

1.1. Definiton: All the living things and their physical environments within a particular area

1.2. Example(s): (Desert Ecosystem); Sandy, Hot, Rock Floors, Limited insects and animals. (River and Stream Ecosystem); Flowing Freshwater, Variety of underwater life.

2. Biosphere

2.1. Definition: The earth and all of it's organisms and environments.

2.2. Example(s): Field, Forest, Valley, River, Lake Pond.

3. Habitat

3.1. Definition: The specific environment in which an organism lives

3.2. Example(s): Water for fish: Provides the right amount of light, air, water and environment for the fish to survive.

4. Individual

4.1. Definition: a single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family.

4.2. Example(s): Single toad

5. Population

5.1. Definition: The members of a species that live in the same area

5.2. Example(s): Group of frogs

6. Community

6.1. Definition: All of the population is a particular area

6.2. Example(s): The toads together with all of the plant, animal and fungal populations.