Time for school

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Time for school por Mind Map: Time for school

1. Culture

1.1. School life in Britain

1.2. Song: "wonderful life"

2. Grammar

2.1. Present Simple

2.1.1. Affirmative

2.1.2. Negative

2.1.3. Interrogative

2.2. Adverbs of frequency

2.3. Present simple

3. Communication

3.1. Making arrangements

3.1.1. Making arrangements

3.2. Giving opinions

4. Vocabulary

4.1. Weekday routine

4.2. School subjects

4.3. The classroom

5. Reading

5.1. School days

5.2. Boarding school life

6. Writing

6.1. Describing school life

6.2. Capital letters

6.3. Using paragraphs

6.4. "and" and "but"