Your Feelings on the Use of Technology

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Your Feelings on the Use of Technology por Mind Map: Your Feelings on the Use of Technology

1. Emotionally

1.1. Impact

1.1.1. The content on the digital media people use can be unnerving and cause the people to worry.

1.1.2. Content can make people happy since there may be a game they won and they got the highest high score on it.

1.1.3. People can get bullied on the internet and in extreme cases commit suicide because of it.

2. Socially

2.1. Connection

2.1.1. People are able to talk and communicate with relatives in other places that would otherwise have not have been possible.

2.2. Content

2.2.1. Content found on the internet can impact people's emotions

3. Politically

3.1. Polls

3.1.1. Political leaders can campaign to win polls.

4. Economically

4.1. News

4.1.1. Many news companies have pages on certain digital media types such as Google +, Facebook and Twitter and share the news that they gather that way.

4.1.2. If news companies post false information, people may not want to go to their website, decreasing the money that company makes.

5. Health

5.1. Drainage of Energy

5.1.1. Digital media users may spend entire nights or perhaps long periods of time checking games they play. In addition to this those who use social media can be drawn in by checking a friend request or updating their status.

5.2. Stress

5.2.1. Stress is a big factor in digital media because you may be working on something and the document crashes and you lose your work. Another effect of stress is that it can cause people to constantly worry about social media and lose sleep.

5.2.2. My thoughts on the heakt affects of social media is that they can be very detrimane tal if left ubnchecked. People need to remembere that their online life

6. Entertainment

6.1. Achievement

6.1.1. People are able to use the digital media for games, which when they win, creates a sense of achievement.

6.2. Boasting

6.2.1. However, people may boast on the internet that they are the best and trash-talk others who they think are worse than them.

7. Our thoughts on The Use of Technology