The Captain's Roti shop

An cut down map of a work in progress for a Roti shop

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The Captain's Roti shop por Mind Map: The Captain's  Roti shop

1. Location

1.1. Any_city

1.2. Kitchen

2. Staff

2.1. Recruitment agency

2.2. Deepa - Needs a new job

3. Communication

3.1. Telephones

3.2. Skype

3.3. E-mail

3.4. Website

4. Website

4.1. John

4.1.1. will organise

4.2. Web-designers.

5. Legalities

5.1. Food regulations

5.2. Food preparation licenses

5.3. Permission from council

6. What to sell

6.1. Roti

6.2. Doubles

6.3. Aloo-pies

7. Customer base

7.1. Dennis to research

7.2. Local town and 20 mile radius

8. Price

8.1. Jane

8.1.1. research

9. Company

9.1. Jim

9.1.1. speak to accountant

9.1.2. meet banker

9.2. Prince

9.2.1. business plan

10. Advertising

10.1. web

10.2. word of mouth

10.3. friends and family