Proimpo Loyalty Program

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Proimpo Loyalty Program por Mind Map: Proimpo Loyalty Program

1. Introduction

1.1. Proimpo is a company that creates and manages loyalty and incentive programs addressed for channels (small retailers like independent drugstores or convenient stores) and sales forces from our customers.

1.2. Need to develop a software platform to manage one of our recent programs.

2. Loyalty Program explanation

2.1. We have designed a program to incentive that over 1.500 independent drugstores located within our country meet 2 goals:

2.1.1. 1. Meet our customer purchasing targets (quotas) each month

2.1.2. 2. Exhibit our customer’s products under certain conditions that are verified by our on field auditors each month

2.2. If a drugstore meets both conditions, it will get points that can be redeemed for prizes.

3. Software

3.1. 1. Database of drugstores (between 1500 and 2000).

3.1.1. It must contain simple data as a code, business name, address, phone number, owner name, etc.

3.2. 2. Need to be able to create different users profiles that can have different permissions

3.2.1. Edit

3.2.2. Add

3.2.3. Delete

3.3. 3. Need to set up a system where some users can have access only to the information that is relevant for them.

3.3.1. For instance, a regional sales rep can only see and manage information from 200 drugstores that are within his territory

3.4. 4. Each drugstore must have its own purchasing quota that will be assigned in the platform every 3 months by sales reps only in a certain period of dates (platform opens only for about 10 days so sales reps can enter to upload CSV files with quotas).

3.5. 5. Inputs:

3.5.1. Need to upload a CSV file every month with a fixed structure and that contain monthly purchases per drugstore as well as exhibition audit results

3.6. 6. Results Calculation: System must calculate monthly results per drugstore as follows:

3.6.1. o Drugstores are classified from number 1 to 6 depending on customer’s purchasing expectations (quota purchasing ranges)

3.6.2. o Ability to upload real purchases per month in a CSV file

3.6.3. o System must accumulate purchases per month during 3 consecutive months. Once a drugstore meets its minimum purchasing targets, system must classify it as a “winner” of prize.

3.6.4. o In addition to prizes based on purchases, drugstores can get additional prizes if they meet the minimum exhibition conditions. We will upload a file with exhibition results every 3 months. Only drugstores that meet purchasing prizes can get additional prizes for exhibition accomplishments.

3.6.5. o There are additional prizes that drugstores can get if they can have additional exhibitions of specific products every month. We must be able to set up the system to calculate extra points if the selected product was exhibited correctly. The audit result will be uploaded to the platform through a CSV file.

3.6.6. o Platform must keep track of all the results achieved by drugstore (historical results)

3.7. 7. Reports: Authorized users must be able to get reports from platform. They must be seen in the web and downloaded to Excel

3.7.1. o Monthly and quarterly purchasing vs quota results per drugstore

3.7.2. o Historic purchasing and exhibition results by drugstore

3.7.3. o All the above filtered by region/city

3.7.4. o Exhibition report based on the exhibition CSV files that were uploaded into the system

3.8. 8. System Outputs

3.8.1. o System configuration (users profiles, quotas, etc)

3.8.2. o Results calculation by drugstore (purchases and exhibition results)

3.8.3. o Excel reports