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Waves por Mind Map: Waves

1. vibrations

1.1. Definition: To rapidly move back and fourth

1.2. Mine: a weird feeling of tingling

1.3. Example: Xbox controller

2. Reflected

2.1. Defination: A mirrored image of some thing

2.2. Mine: the thing girls take pictures in

2.3. Example: selfie

3. photons

3.1. small particles

3.2. tiny objects of matter

3.3. color rainbow

4. spectrum

4.1. a band of colors that make up light

4.2. the ranbow is a spectrum

4.3. color pencles

5. prism

5.1. separation of wight light

5.2. floresent light

5.3. light resrictor

6. sound waves

6.1. Definition: a vibration in the air from and object

6.2. Mine: air moveing in a formation to make waves

6.3. Example: speaker

7. Light

7.1. Defination: a form of energy that is visable

7.2. Mine: the bright object in the sky

7.3. Example:light bar