What is care

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What is care por Mind Map: What is care

1. Time

1.1. Taking time to think

1.2. To monitor, take and give feedback

1.3. To supervise, manage and direct

1.4. Giving time to people and issues - to listen/read

1.5. Timely intervention -to urgency of situation

1.6. Appropriate review

2. Safeguarding

2.1. Well-being

2.1.1. Emotional support/therapy

2.1.2. Physical

2.1.3. Mental

2.1.4. Social

2.2. Life

2.3. Bio-psychosocial needs

2.4. Protecting from danger or harm

2.4.1. Taking adequate precautions

3. Enabling

3.1. To achieve a better outcome for the ill, incapacitated, disabled.

4. Providing

4.1. Sustenance

4.2. Pain relief

4.3. Appropriate medical intervention

4.4. Aids

5. Supervision

5.1. Management

5.1.1. appropriate delegation

5.1.2. feedback on tasks to be achieved

5.2. Direction

5.2.1. Juniors

5.2.2. Other staff

5.3. Attention

5.3.1. To basic needs

5.3.2. specific needs

5.4. Monitoring

6. Vigilance

6.1. Degree of watchfulness

6.2. Managing risk

6.3. Appropriate review

7. Must be relative to function of carer

7.1. expertise

7.2. acting within range of competence

7.3. the need