What could the economic and environmental consequence of the drought be?

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What could the economic and environmental consequence of the drought be? por Mind Map: What could the economic and environmental consequence of the drought be?

1. Environmental Consequences

1.1. "California's drought ripples through business then to schools"From NPR

1.2. "Nearly half of the country's fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California". (source #1 page 1)

2. conclusion

2.1. California is having the worst crisis of drought.

2.2. Point 2

2.3. Point 3

3. Introduction

3.1. California biggest crisis.

3.2. Third-worst drought in California ever seen.

3.3. From: Jennifer Walsh

4. Economic Consequences

4.1. "The Greatest water loss ever seen in California" from Jennifer Walsh.

4.2. "California's current drought will cost the state $2.2 billion and 17,000 jobs".(source 2, page 1)