What goals in life?

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What goals in life? por Mind Map: What goals in life?

1. English

1.1. interesting / useful / fun?

1.2. learning it outside school: how?

1.3. making efforts...

1.3.1. meaningful effort

2. achieving something

2.1. work necessary

2.1.1. not an "effort"

2.1.2. no danger of being lazy submitting to work willingly

2.2. not forgetting to listen to yourself

2.2.1. Freud: repression resisting vs accepting definition clear psy explanation pers. experience

3. meanings in life

3.1. existentialism

3.1.1. no meaning

3.1.2. conscious commitment

4. useful tools

4.1. to learn English

4.1.1. TED videos

4.2. to structure yourself + sharing

4.2.1. pearltrees.com

4.3. make original presentations

4.3.1. prezi.com