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Die por Mind Map: Die

1. Character traits that are important

1.1. He is a pacifist

1.2. Thinks too much about everuthing

1.3. Thinks too highly of himself

1.4. Thinks of himself as smarter than everyone and the only person able to save everyone

2. What happens during the monologue

2.1. The gets on the computer and cant do get to where he wanted to

2.2. Talks about how he has to do this and cant give up because People Need Him

2.3. Begins to get on to the topic of what happens if this person dies

2.4. Jumps on to the topic of what it means to be alive, and how the computer is just as alive as we are

2.5. "Sometimes we die a little more, and thats when we feel like we're alive"

2.6. Talks about how he doesn't know what that even means. The one thing he cant figure out, What It Means To Be Alive

2.7. People have to die thats how it works you cant stop people from dying everyone is always dying

2.8. Tries to talk himself into letting the person die, but something breaks. Death Happens That Doesn't Mean Its Okay

2.9. Talks about the True Meaning Of Life: It sucks. And people know that. But life is about more than that its about being happy, and smiling and Knowing You Have More. Life sucks. But Thats Not Why We Live.

3. The end of the monologue

3.1. The character realizes that there is a different way to help. No one has to die

4. What happened that caused the situation

4.1. Something with computers - The charactes specialty

4.2. The character cant help in the moment. his focus is clouded and is starting to fall apart when everyone needs him

4.3. People will be hurt if he doesn't help now, which is part of the reason that he is starting to fall apart. He Does Not Want Anyone To Get Hurt.