My Foundation of Education

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My Foundation of Education por Mind Map: My Foundation of Education

1. Philosophy of Education

1.1. 1

1.2. 2

1.3. 3

1.4. 4

1.5. 5

1.6. 6

2. History of US Education

2.1. 1

2.2. 2

2.3. 3

2.4. 4

2.5. 5

2.6. 6

3. Sociological Perspectives

3.1. 1

3.2. 2

3.3. 3

3.4. 4

3.5. 5

3.6. 6

4. Equality of Opportunity

4.1. 1

4.2. 2

4.3. 3

4.4. 4

4.5. 5

4.6. 6

5. Politics of Education

5.1. Purpose

5.1.1. Patriotism

5.1.2. Prepare for democracy

5.1.3. Assimilate diverse groups

5.1.4. Teach basic laws

5.2. My Perspective: Neo-liberalism

5.2.1. Austerity

5.2.2. Market Model

5.2.3. Individualism

5.2.4. State Intervention

5.2.5. Economic Prosperity, Race, Class

5.3. My Vision of Education: Moderate

5.3.1. Traditional Educational Problems The American Dream

5.3.2. Progressive Unequal Educational Performance Educational Policy and Reform

6. Schools as Orginizations

6.1. 1

6.2. 2

6.3. 3

6.4. 4

6.5. 5

6.6. 6

7. Cirriculum and Pedagogy

7.1. 1

7.2. 2

7.3. 3

7.4. 4

7.5. 5

7.6. 6

8. Educational Inequality

8.1. 1

8.2. 2

8.3. 3

8.4. 4

8.5. 5

8.6. 6

9. Educational Reform

9.1. 1

9.2. 2

9.3. 3

9.4. 4

9.5. 5

9.6. 6