Bringing it all together!

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Bringing it all together! por Mind Map: Bringing it all together!

1. Using ergonomic furniture in workspaces for individuals that spent hours at their desks each day.

1.1. Digital health and wellness

1.1.1. Health and wellness is always important. Whether you stick to a healthy eating diet, or workout to keep your body healthy, it always important to take care of yourself. Many new ailments and diseases have sprung up since the introduction of the computer several decades ago. Carpel tunnel, or even arthritis, although not necessarily new have defiantly become more of problem in those who have careers involved around sitting at a computer and typing all day. Back problems, or spinal problems from being slouched or arching your back while browsing the internet all night are other issues you may face. Whatever the case may be, health and wellness are important even in the digital world. So remember, make sure there is a backlight on when on the computer for extended periods of time, and periodically take breaks to stretch, or give your eyes a break.

2. Texting or emailing with a friend while in a collaborative brainstorming meeting.

2.1. Digital Communication

2.1.1. There are many ways that digital citizens communicate, and emailing and texting may be the most popular. Some people like to Skype, some people like to send fun snapchats to each other, some people like less of a socializing aspect and will vouch for a less personal way of communication and can just instant message people, such as on aim, Facebook even has its own instant messenger. Regardless of your method, and there are a lot, it is important to stay connected in the fast paced world of digital communication.

3. Scanning computers for viruses on a regular basis or setting up password protections for home computers.

3.1. Digital Security

3.1.1. This may be the most complicated of all of the nine elements you will face in the digital world. There are virus scanners and virus blockers out there, that have been specifically tailored to give you just that, a virus. Malware, adware, worms, trojans, there are just so many out there, it is hard to protect yourself. However, it is very important that you do so. Digital security not only protect your sensitive information from getting stolen, or files from getting hacked and deleted, but it keeps you away from geek squad, who are very illustrious and do not need any more money for removing simple viruses off your computer. Seriously though, always use back up protection, always use trusted virus scanners, don't buy a virus scanner for 3$ off the internet. Digital Security as I said, is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself in the digital world.

4. Sharing personal information on a public website/personal blog.

4.1. Digital Etiquette

4.1.1. You wouldn't go to complete strangers on the street and give them your social security number? Or your credit card information. Well the same goes for if you are in the digital world. If you are responding to a blog, or posting basic information about yourself for a dating site, you just don't put incriminating information out there for the world to see. This is a lot of times how your identity gets stolen. Many digital citizens just don't realize when I site is real and when its not. You should always check to see if a site is legit, and then check again, and by that time if you're not sure, then don't post your info. Even though most people might associate etiquette with saying please and thank you, its more of a common knowledge thing. Treat others as you want to be treated, but also take care of yourself and your own well being. This is the idea behind digital etiquette, don't be foolish with important information.

5. Creating digital audio for blind students or captioned videos for those who are hearing impaired.

5.1. Digital Access

5.1.1. It is our job, as those who are more fortunate in the digital world, to enable that everyone, even those less fortunate have the same opportunities in the digital world as we do. The blind and hearing impaired is just a small fraction of those, creating these audio clips, or captioned videos, is a fantastic way that we have enabled a huge group of students, or even parents to become as digital literate as they can. Getting computers to those who don't have access is another way, some third world countries might even have maybe one computer for an entire village. Some barely have enough computer access to get medical supplies. To me we've only just begun to scratch the surface of what we can do as digital citizens to bring the world just that much closer together.

6. Working with others using websites/web tools such as Google Docs Suite and/or Diigo.

6.1. Digital Literacy

6.1.1. Ah, the entire point of what we have been talking about for the last month. Digital literacy. It's a bit odd that the digital literacy example, didn't encompass a tad bit more, but I suppose the minimalist amount of info gets to the point. I guess the example could have been a paragraph long if you were to go into more detail with it. Digital Literacy, is your knowledge of everything digital. From the tools you use, computer, iPod, flash drives, all the way to the digital tools you use to control those tools, such as iTunes, or Microsoft office, which provides many digital tools you'd more than likely need a flash drive to save to. Digital Literacy defines the amount of skills you have to utilize these tools, to manipulate these tools for your own good. It is in it's simplest form, a measurement of your ability to survive in the digital world.

7. Posting your own religious beliefs on a public blog.

7.1. Digital rights and responsibilities

7.1.1. Even in our society, our none digital society, we still have this problem. If you look at the recent attacks on the journalists at Charlie Hebdo, they were shot and killed, in a massacre while working at their French journalist headquarters. Why? because a radical group of "terrorists" didn't like that they had made fun of one of their religious deities. Although this is an extreme case of recent years, it does not mean that this has been the only case, and by far not one of the few cases. Our wars in much of the middle east has been over religion, countries are being torn apart because of religious beliefs. It has just been something that over the last few years has escalated to a breaking point. So with that being said, it's only obvious that we are going to have these problems translated int the digital world. You can hardly make a post on Facebook about religion without even a single family member starting an argument. Yes, it is our digital rights and our responsibilities to step in and say, this person has the right, the freedoms to say what he or she wants about a religion, whether it be positive about their own, or negative about someone else's. The fact of the matter is, until we can control ourselves outside the digital world, this will always be a problem inside the digital world. Maybe even more so, because there are less physically harmful repercussions in the digital world, where you can be anonymous, then in the real world.

8. Hacking into someone’s computer to access financial information.

8.1. Digital Law

8.1.1. This has become the greatest heist story of our generation. Someone goes in, finds something you've recently bought online, or even if you do your banking online, which many of us do. They steal your card information and from there, there is just multiple ways for them to proceed. If they are an amateur they may just buy a few things online, have them shipped somewhere anonymous, or if they're dumb have it shipped to them so they can get tracked and caught. However, credit cards are very manipulative if you know what you're doing. They can take a dead, already used credit card, strip the digital information embedded onto it, and essentially turn that card, into your card. Then they'll go on a shopping spree. With the digital world, and digital citizens growing by the second, it's obvious that there has to be a laid down set of Digital Laws.While we have these laws, just like in every society, digital or not, there is always going to be those individuals, who have no sense of morality, and thus you have criminals. Or in this case, Digital Criminals.

9. Purchasing name-brand products on sites such as

9.1. Digital Commerce

9.1.1. Digital commerce in one of those things that has become a staple in our society. Where as it used to be a sort of trade secret, where only a handful of people knew about it, and could therefore profit from it. Now, it has gotten so popular that there is even a Cyber Monday, the Monday after Black Friday where everything online goes on sale. Whether, it be overstock websites from those major corporations who just didn't get rid of all their stock, or companies like Amazon, where they strictly deal with online shopping. Whatever, the case may be, digital commerce is a digital language that many of us are fluent in, even if we are not so fluent in anything else.