Why you aren´t buying Venezuela Chocolate?

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Why you aren´t buying Venezuela Chocolate? por Mind Map: Why you aren´t buying Venezuela Chocolate?

1. that support national products, and less Walmart’s that give preference to transnational products.

2. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) for increasing the global recognition of “x” product of a country, which in other way the world would not noticed that exist.

3. Alternatives to this problem:

4. Problematic: Consumers prefer to buy international products of big companies of rename, instead of buying national products.

5. Five strategies for combating the provenance paradox

6. 1.- Use of social networks

7. 2.- More small stores

8. for strengthen the quality of the products, because sometimes a bad name of a product discourages the consumer of what he is buying.

9. (packing, presentation, label, etc.) because many times the market is carried away because of how the product looks and not of how it is made.

10. that prove to consumers that quality is also present in their national products, and that acquiring a rename product isn’t synonym of quality.

11. 3.- Improve quality of nationals products

12. 4.- Improve image of national products

13. 5.- Better names for national products,