Module 202: Using Copyrighted Works

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Module 202: Using Copyrighted Works por Mind Map: Module 202: Using Copyrighted Works

1. When Can You Use Someone Else's Work?

1.1. 1. When copyright has expired and the work is considered public domain.

1.1.1. For works after 1978, copyright protection expires automatically 70 years after the death of the original author, these works fall into the public domain.

1.2. 2. When permission has been obtained from the original author or current copyright holder.

1.3. 3. When utilization of the work qualifies for the Fair Use exemption.

2. Christin Crews

3. Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind; inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.

3.1. Industrial Property (inventions, trademarks, and industrial designs)

3.2. Copyright (creative works)

3.2.1. Copyright laws have been revised many times over the past two centuries, but the fundamental purpose remains unchanged- to protect the rights of the authors to control the use of original literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, or other intellectual works created in a tangible medium of expression.

4. Fair Use- an important provision in the Copyright Law that states that under certain conditions, copyrighted works may be used for teaching, research, scholarship, criticism, journalism, parody, and similar purposes without specific permission from the copyright holder.

5. The TEACH Act

5.1. The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002 was designed to address the need for clarification of permissible uses of copyrighted works in distance learning courses.