English Colonies

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English Colonies por Mind Map: English Colonies

1. New Jersery

1.1. Q1-The Dutch

1.2. Q2-When part of sountern New York was spilt off to form a new colony.

1.3. Q3-To form a colony.

1.4. Q4- The navites.

1.5. Q5- A royal colony.

2. Middle Colonies

3. New York

3.1. Q1- The Dutch.

3.2. Q2- By the colony of New Natherland.

3.3. Q3- The colony was base for profitable trading.

3.4. Q4- Natives & the British.

3.5. Q5-It was a economic success.

4. Delaware

4.1. Q1- Indivials from Sweden.

4.2. Q2- Becuase Delaware settlers did not want to send delgates to as distant assembly to Penn. It was its own colony in 1750's.