MARKBOOK CONTINUED:How is your professional judgement reflected in Markbook?

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MARKBOOK CONTINUED:How is your professional judgement reflected in Markbook? por Mind Map: MARKBOOK CONTINUED:How is your professional judgement reflected in Markbook?

1. Questions

2. Concerns

2.1. the proof part, how can I justify this to parents, students, families

2.1.1. does the administration supporting the change? altering the mark? How does thatwork when I want to lower the mark worry that parents won't understand the comments and markbook is there a reason to come to class? 4U course? Is this preparing students to go forward to University

3. Next Steps

3.1. practicality of specific situations (skipped test)

3.1.1. strategies template consistent application for this in other schools how do we pull marks if students are missing assignments, test, etc. what does it look like in other classes

4. I like:

5. I don't like: