Chapter 11 Section 2

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Chapter 11 Section 2 por Mind Map: Chapter 11 Section 2

1. Key Vocabulary

1.1. Relocate- Move to a new place or picking up a Federal Government and moving it somewhere else.

1.2. Indian Removal Act- This allowed the federal government to pay Native Americans to move west.

1.3. Indian Territory,- An area in present-day Oklahoma, for Native Americans from the Southeast.

1.4. Trail Of Tears- The forced journey West for Cherokee people where they cried on the trail.

1.5. Guerrilla Tactics- Used for surprise attacks on white settlements along Florida coast.

2. Important People

2.1. General Winfield Scott- Himself and his army of federal troops came to remove the Cherokee from their homes and lead them West.

2.2. Cheif Black Hawk- Led a force of Sauk and Fox people back to Illinois, their homeland

2.3. Osceola- Was the Seminole chief, and he and some of his people refused to leave Florida.

2.4. Andrew Jackson- forced Indians to move.

2.5. Major Francis Dade- The commander of Seminole, and helped the Seminole to remain in Florida.

3. Interesting Facts

3.1. By early 1800s the Cherokee had school's, newspaper, and a written constitution all of their own.

3.2. In 1829, gold was found in the rich farming soil of the Cherokee people.

3.3. In Florida there was "Five Civilized Tribes" called the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw.

3.4. Only a few of the 110 soldiers survived the attack on December 1835.

4. The Trail Of Tears

5. This is the Indian Removal Act

6. Native American Resistance

7. The Webster-Hayne Debate

8. Trail of Tears