Kinesthetic and Auditory Learning

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Kinesthetic and Auditory Learning por Mind Map: Kinesthetic and Auditory Learning

1. Kinesthetic

1.1. I use my hands while talking

1.2. I like to solve problems by physically working through them

1.3. Very hyperactive

2. My learning process is a combination of two modalities Kinesthetic and Auditory.

2.1. Kinesthetic: Physically preforming a task or objective to get a firmer grasp on it as a whole.

2.2. Auditory: Listening and taking in information to further understand and analyze the information

3. Facilitate learning by handling equipment and manipulating objects(flash cards)

4. I take frequent breaks when studying

5. Based upon my learning styles I have found that I need to verbally hear the task and also learn through being hands on. I am going to play audio recordings and take frequent breaks when studying to retain the information better.

6. Auditory

6.1. Talk to myself outloud

6.2. I benefit more from being read to

6.3. I memorize by steps in a sequence

7. I ask for verbal explanations

8. Audio Recording of lectures/seminars/notes