Teaching With Synectics (Strategy Two): Adjectives and Animals

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Teaching With Synectics (Strategy Two): Adjectives and Animals por Mind Map: Teaching With Synectics (Strategy Two): Adjectives and Animals

1. Phase 1

1.1. Give me some examples of adjectives

1.1.1. (students list examples of various adjectives)

1.1.2. Can prompt with reminder adjectives can be numbers, opinions, size, shape, age, color, origin, material, purpose

1.2. Possible adjectives given could be:

1.2.1. Brown, big, furry, round, tall, green, scary, two, three, old, young, happy

2. Phase 3

2.1. Personal analogies: "How would it feel to be a..."

2.1.1. If I was a mouse, I would feel scared and alone

2.1.2. If I was a bear, I would feel like I am in charge

3. Phase 6

3.1. Exploration

3.1.1. Students discuss different analogies of adjectives and animals--this will vary and will be the opportunity for great exploration and creativity

4. Phase 2

4.1. Students examine their words and form analogies between them and animals

4.1.1. "Think of an animal that reminds you of the listed words..."

4.2. Possible analogies:

4.2.1. A bear is brown and scary

4.2.2. Two is like a bird because it has two legs

5. Phase 5

5.1. Explaining differences

5.1.1. Students are asked to examine their responses--are there any pairs of words that seem to "fight"--are opposites

5.1.2. happy-sad; big-small

5.2. How are the two different?

5.2.1. Adjectives describe living things/animals are living

6. Phase 7

6.1. Generating an analogy

6.1.1. The class creates an analogy based on discussion and exploration

6.1.2. Example: Adjectives are like animals: they can be big or small, and they are alive in a story like a lion is alive in the jungle

7. Phase 4

7.1. Students compare analogies

7.1.1. How are adjectives and animals the same? Adjectives can be many different things, and so can animals Adjectives are all classified as that part of speech, while animals are all classified under a certain category