Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 por Mind Map: Chapter 12

1. The Mexican American War

1.1. Battle Timeline

1.1.1. Bear Flag Revolt (June 1846) American Victory

1.1.2. Monterey (July 1846) American Victory

1.1.3. Santa Fe (August 1846) American Victory

1.1.4. Monterrey (September 1846) American Victory

1.1.5. El Brazito (December 1846) American Victory

1.1.6. San Pasqual (December 1846) Mexican Victory

1.1.7. San Gabriel (January 1847) American Victory

1.1.8. Sacramento (February 1847) American Victory

1.1.9. Buena Vista (February 1847) American Victory

1.1.10. Cerro Gordo (April 1847) American Victory

1.1.11. Mexico City (September 1847) American Victory

1.2. President Polk had strong desires to annex America and so did many Americans. To do so, Polk used military force.

1.3. Mexico had control of New Mexico and California, however, as a part of Manifest Destiny, the US wanted to change that

1.4. President Polk sent agents with different offers to Mexico for that land, but all of the offers were shot down.

1.5. The US eventually resorted to force. Mexico was forced to give in to the deals, therefore making New Mexico and California US territories.

2. The Oregon Country

2.1. The Oregon Country is a huge land area between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains, north of California.

2.2. The first Americans to reach the Oregon Country were not farmers but fur traders.

2.3. These people who began to spend a lot of time in the Rocky Mountains became known as the mountain men.

2.4. Traveling by the Oregon Trail, easterners began to settle the Oregon Country in the 1830s.

2.5. The Oregon Country:

2.6. A Map of the Oregon Country

3. Texas Idependence

3.1. Americans began to settle along side the Tejanos in the 1820s.

3.2. The Mexican Government was was not pleased by the large American population increasing in Texas. So the Mexican Government issued a decree stopping immigration from the US into Texas.

3.3. The Americans realized that the Mexican Government was angry and wanted them out.

3.4. The Americans waited until the Mexicans used force to move them out and they struck back.

3.5. After many battles, the Americans came out mostly victorious, and Texas declared its independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836.

4. Manifest Destiny

4.1. Map of the US Manifest Destiny

4.2. Manifest Destiny

4.3. Manifest Destiny was a dream of many Americans. Manifest Destiny to them was the idea that the US was meant to go from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. In pursuing this goal, the US went to war with Mexico.

5. California Gold Rush

5.1. In 1849, over 80,000 Americans and foreigners fled to California by land and sea.

5.2. They were all in search of one thing... gold.

5.3. Small, low population towns and settlements in California became boomtowns due to the new masses of people.

5.4. Since law enforcement was down, willing citizens became vigilantes to enforce laws and protect fellow citizens from crime.


6. New Topic

7. New Topic