Chapter 5 Education and Paleolithic Security

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Chapter 5 Education and Paleolithic Security por Mind Map: Chapter 5 Education and  Paleolithic Security

1. Main Characters

1.1. Clever Fisherman

1.2. Slow Fisherman

1.3. Three Great Fish Chiefs

1.4. Wise Old Men

1.5. Antelope Chiefs

1.6. Bear Chiefs

1.7. Demented Tribesman

1.8. Teacher

2. Historical Context

2.1. Saber-Tooth Curriculum was produced in the years following the Great Depression. A combination of industrialization and shifty stock market dealings had lead to the worst economic crisis in modern history. These situations are represented by the three industries - fish, antelope, and bear.

2.2. The Demented Tribesman represents the push for socialism and communism that occurred during this time period around the world.

3. Main Events

3.1. The Clever Fisherman convinced the Slow Fisherman to sell him his fishing hole. This lead to the industrialization of the fishing industry controlled by the Three Great Fish Chiefs. The antelope and bear industries soon followed suit.

3.2. Soon more fish, meat and skins were being produced than the industry chiefs could get rid of. They laid-off workers. As unemployment soared, the Wise Old Men passed rules that allowed the industry chiefs to give resources in exchange for exclusive rights. The Wise Old Men used to stores to feed the unemployed but they received much less than needed for their families. This did not fix the unemployment issues therefore the Wise Old Men instituted a taxation system.

3.3. A Demented Tribesman decided that the economic system was unfair. He attempted to convince his tribesmen that in order to fix the unemployment issues and to ensure that everyone had food and clothing was to change the initial rules created by the Clever Fisherman and adopted by the Wise Old Men. The tribesmen would not listen to him and dunked him in the river.

3.4. The Teacher asked if they should create a definite goal that will modify the people's behavior and there by ensuring that everyone can eat and work. He was told to be quiet or he would be fired. "We can teach them how to think, not what to think"

4. Modern Context

4.1. Due to the technological revolution the skills necessary for life have drastically changed. As an educational system we need to create a definite goal to modify people's behavior and there by ensuring that they can eat and work.