World Religions

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World Religions por Mind Map: World Religions

1. Judaism

1.1. The jews established there own country

1.2. The synagauge is the most important place

1.3. The Jews where once called hebrews

1.4. They believed in more than one god

1.5. Israel is the only place that has Judaism as there main religion

1.6. Is one of the oldest religions

1.7. They believe in only one god

1.8. At the beginning of the 21st century, approximately 14 million people identify themselves as Jews

2. Islam

2.1. The Mackdi would appear with jesus christ in the future

2.2. Islam is wide spread in Africa

2.3. Islam is the second largest religion in the world

2.4. There are 5 religious dutys that islams must proform

2.5. The first duty is beleif

2.6. The second duty is daily prayers

2.7. The third duty is fasting

2.8. The fourth duty is alms giving

2.9. The fifth duty is pilgrimage

2.10. The founder of Islam is Prophet Muhammad

3. Christianity

3.1. The founder of Christianity is Jesus

3.2. Saints are said to be holy

3.3. Over 2 billion people follow christanity

3.4. Jesus was crucified on the cross

3.5. He recruted 12 people to be his deciples

3.6. One of Jesus' disciples betrayed him

3.7. Holy book is the BIBLE