Mobile App Mind Map

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Mobile App Mind Map por Mind Map: Mobile App Mind Map

1. Administrative

1.1. Observation 360- primarily used for formal observations on a tablet, provides a space for comments and check off boxes. After entering a note, the app automatically gives the time that the user typed the note. This would be a very useful app for administrators, especially those who have to get in ten evaluations per teacher!

1.2. Educreations- interactive whiteboard and screening tool. Allows the user to narrate and animate almost any content as the user explains any type of content as you explain the concept. Teachers or administrators can create short instructional videos and share them with students or staff.

1.3. Airboard- turns a tablet into a whiteboard that can be projected and create interactive conversations. Would work great as an administrator when you cannot meet in a room altogether.

1.4. Google Drive- allows unlimited users to access forms and documents uploaded to this app. Users can work on documents and the information is automatically saved, not to the users desktop, but to their Google Drive, which is connected to their gmail account. This is such an easy tool for both administrators and teachers to stay connected without having to constantly email back and forth.

2. Note Taking

2.1. Evernote- allows the user to type notes, take photos and attach to those notes and to record sound clips. To organize notes the user can also create 'notebooks' for different topics and create sticky notes within those notebooks. If the user needs to switch from iPad to computer, the notes are all right there on the Evernote web site. I would love to use this at a conference and get a couple sound bites from the speaker. This would be a great tool to use at conferences, as you could share those notes, photos and sound clips with other staff members.

2.2. Simplenote- allows users to type and organize notes as well as copy and paste any information which will be pasted in the same font, size and formatting as the notes previously taken on the page. Simplenote can be used on more than just an iPad, it can be used on an Android, Mac, Kindle and IOS. This could be a great notetaking strategy for high school students who may be able to type faster and neater than they can write.

2.3. Pages- users can create resumes, presentations, reports and documents. On a blank document the user can add shapes, text or photos with one touch. The iCloud is built into this app so the user can log onto any device to access work. If I taught high school I would use this in a senior seminar class to help students create resumes or cover letters to use at career fairs.

2.4. Paper- one of the simplest ways to express ideas on the iPad. Users can sketch, draw, color or outline ideas that they may not be able to express in text. This app was rated "App of the Year and Apple Design Award Winner". This would be a great app for teachers to use in a drafting class or art class in high school.

3. Professional Networking

3.1. Pinterest- visual bookmarking tool that helps users save creative ideas. Users have access to blogs, websites, videos and more. I would encourage high school seniors to look for information regarding college applications, cover letters or resumes.

3.2. EFactor- entrepreneurial networking app which can boost business development. EFactor focuses on connecting aspiring entrepreneurs with partners and customers who can help make their dream become a reality. I would use this app with a business class when students are creating their own business model.

3.3. LinkedIn- allows users to manage their professional identity by uploading resumes, portfolios and this app has the ability for individuals to follow companies they are interested in. This would be a great tool for juniors or seniors in high school to use as they are applying to colleges and jobs.

3.4. Twitter- online social networking and sharing tool. After creating a Twitter account users can 'follow' individuals, organizations, companies, etc. Users can also 'tweet' out pictures, web site links or videos. Another great resource for the older high schoolers who are making a name for themselves and creating a positive digital footprint.

4. Elementary Education

4.1. Spelling Magic- focuses students on CVC (constant, vowel, constant) sounds. After the student masters the first part of the app, the second part is sorted by categories rather than vowel sounds. A great app for K-2 students to use during center time or when they can use the ipad as a reward.

4.2. Sushi Math- allows students to practice math facts in a fun and engaging manner. Also gives students a personalized level which will help build math fact fluency. This app not only has addition and subtraction but multiplication and division. Great for K-6 students.

4.3. MyOn- personalized online interactive library for students. Book list can be generated for students based on interests and other books chosen by student. This app also has students take short quizzes over books to document students reading comprehension and changes their recommended books based on how well students scored on the quizzes. This website is great for all students K-12, the app and web site have many different levels of books to match students needs. This is another great app to use during center time or reading time.

4.4. Story Dice- a creative writing prompt tool to come up with ideas for plot, character and setting. This can be used for both written and oral story telling. A great app for all ages to use when using their creative writing. I like how this app has the ability to allow oral story telling as well as written. Students could write down their story and re-read it while the actions are being played out on the screen.