web 2.0 technology

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web 2.0 technology por Mind Map: web 2.0 technology

1. 7 characteristics of web 2.0

1.1. participation

1.2. decentralization

1.3. identity

1.4. user control

1.5. standards

1.6. modularity

1.7. openness

2. future of web 2.0

2.1. high bandwidth

2.2. Ubiquitous connectivity

2.3. online based applications

2.4. graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

2.5. open technology

2.6. 3D interfaces

3. web 1.0 vs web 2.0

3.1. web 1.0

3.1.1. static

3.1.2. not interactive

3.1.3. proprietary

3.2. web 2.0

3.2.1. dynamic

3.2.2. interactive

3.2.3. open-source

4. elements of web 2.0

4.1. high demand for bandwidth

4.2. web 2.0 is all about making connections

4.3. web 2.0 puts the need of people first

4.4. allows people to do more with data posted online

5. philosophy

5.1. web as a platform

5.2. globalization

5.3. read-write web (participatory web)

5.4. being online vs. going online

6. popluar technologies

6.1. XML

6.2. Mashups

6.3. RSS Feeds

6.4. blogs

6.5. wikis