Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
PLE por Mind Map: PLE

1. Discovery of information

1.1. In class, at university

1.2. Conferences

1.3. Meeting and talking with friends

1.4. Twitter, Facebook and Blogger

1.5. Discussing with others

1.6. Newspapers

1.7. Watching tutorials

1.8. WatChing the news in the TV

2. Reading and think over information

2.1. Investigating when academic works are being done

2.2. Writing

2.2.1. Redactions

2.2.2. To Blogger, Twitter or Facebook

2.3. Talking and discussing with others

2.4. Starting doing something new

3. Attitudes to learn

3.1. Being critical with everything heard

3.2. Being an active and entuthiastic person

3.3. Being curious

4. Sharing information

4.1. At meetings with friends

4.2. In Facebook, Twitter and Blogger

4.3. With gmail