Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
PLE por Mind Map: PLE

1. Where I find information

1.1. Multimedia

1.1.1. Blogs

1.1.2. Wikis

1.1.3. Youtube

1.1.4. Slideshare

1.1.5. News

1.1.6. Social networks

1.1.7. Tv documentaries

1.1.8. Google

1.1.9. Google schoolar

1.1.10. University lessons

2. Where I modify information

2.1. Twitter

2.1.1. OppenOffice

2.1.2. Word

2.1.3. Blog

2.2. Power Point

2.2.1. Prezi

2.2.2. Windows Movie Maker

2.2.3. Discussing

2.2.4. Reflecting about my thoughts

2.2.5. Reflecting about what I have learnt at university

3. Where I interact with others

3.1. Twitter

3.2. Facebook

3.3. Whatsapp

3.4. Family

3.5. Classmates

3.6. Friends

3.7. Proffesors

4. How I have learnt

4.1. Being...

4.2. Cheerful

4.3. Attentive

4.4. Curious

4.5. Interested

4.6. Ambitious