pronoun desmostrative

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pronoun desmostrative por Mind Map: pronoun desmostrative

1. singular

1.1. this

1.2. esto, este, esta cerca

1.3. that

1.4. ese, aquel, aquella lejos

2. -

3. plural

3.1. these

3.2. estos, estas cerca

3.3. those

3.3.1. esos, aquellos, aquellas lejos

4. singular

4.1. examples

4.1.1. Project specifications

4.1.2. End User requirements

4.1.3. Action points sign-off

4.2. this is my pen

4.2.1. Define actions as necessary

4.3. that is my car

5. funcionamiento

5.1. muestran si son plural

5.2. es considerada la proximidad

5.3. -

5.4. -

6. plural

6.1. examples

6.1.1. Materials

6.1.2. Personel

6.1.3. Services

6.1.4. Duration

6.2. these are my shoeses

6.3. those are our desks

7. funcionamiento

7.1. muestran el objeto al que se refieren

7.1.1. Dependencies

7.1.2. Milestones

7.2. no tiene genero especifico

7.2.1. Schedule

7.2.2. Budget

7.3. muestran si son especificos

7.3.1. KPI's