Attach bindings to snowbard

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Attach bindings to snowbard por Mind Map: Attach bindings to snowbard

1. 4) Place bindings on the board. Measure them the width of your stance.

2. 5) Set the front binding in the direction you are riding at an angle.

3. 6) Screw the bindings in hard. Make sure to tighten all screws equally.

4. 7) Set your forward lean on the high back.

5. 8) Strap your boots in. Tighten your straps to the point that your boots do not move.

6. 1) Check for boot/binding compatibility. If your boots and bindings aren't the same brand you may need a special plate.

7. 2) Measure your stance width. Typically your stance would be shoulder width apart.

8. 3) Choose your stance style. This how-to assumes you are using the standard stance.