Demonstrative Pronouns

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Demonstrative Pronouns por Mind Map: Demonstrative Pronouns

1. places

1.1. This (Singular)

1.2. This is my fourth

1.3. That (Singular)

1.4. That love david is the place of the heart

1.5. Those (Plural)

1.5.1. Those are my loves.

1.6. These (Plural)

1.6.1. These are screaming a lot.

2. time

2.1. present

2.1.1. This pants fuie mio . This

2.2. past and future

2.2.1. That happened yesterday to today. That

2.3. distant past

2.3.1. These loves are passed These

2.3.2. Those are distant Those

3. Homes, people

3.1. This (Singular)

3.1.1. This is a person who is screaming

3.2. That (Singular)

3.2.1. That is a beautiful woman

3.3. These (Plural)

3.3.1. These children cry

3.4. Those (Plural)

3.4.1. Those who cry are women

4. you talk

4.1. This guy talks a lot

4.1.1. This

4.2. That monica speech.

4.2.1. That

4.3. These are copycats .

4.3.1. These

4.4. Those are screaming monica

4.4.1. Those

5. Singular

5.1. This

5.1.1. That

6. Plural

6.1. Those

6.1.1. These