Demonstrative Pronoun:

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Demonstrative Pronoun: por Mind Map: Demonstrative Pronoun:

1. Those:used to talk about objects or people who are far away, but is used in prural

1.1. Example: Who are those people on the other side of the street?

2. serve to indicate the distance between the transmitter and the above, replacing spatial location point sustantivo.Sirven to name and distinguish elements already mentioned above, but without repeating. Their shape varies depending on gender and number.

3. These: Used to talk about objects or people close, but is used in plural

3.1. Example: What are these shoes doing in the middle of the room?

4. This : Used to talk about objects or people close

4.1. Example: Can I have this piece of cake?

5. That: Used to talk about objects or people who are far

5.1. Example: Can you pass me that dictionary over there?