An interview for a radio programme Sleep Tight (Tips)

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An interview for a radio programme Sleep Tight (Tips) por Mind Map: An interview for a radio programme Sleep Tight (Tips)

1. The issues to be discussed

1.1. Types/stages of sleep vs brain activity

1.2. The impact of a modern lifestyle on sleep quality

1.3. Pieces of advice how to get enough sleep

1.4. Sleep problems

2. Participants of the interview

2.1. a host of the programme

2.2. a sleep researcher

2.3. a student of Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University

3. The topic of the interview

3.1. How to get enough sleep

4. Useful Vocabulary

4.1. Express opinions

4.1.1. I think, I believe, In my opinion, In my book, To me

4.2. Asking for an opinion

4.2.1. What do you think about...?, What's your opinion..? Don't you agree..?

4.3. Responding positively/negatively

4.3.1. You might be right actually, you might have a point, I see what you mean, it's not my kind of thing at all, No, that's not for me

4.4. Asking for/giving advice

4.4.1. You'd better, You should/shoudn't/I suggest you What should I, Any ideas how I could

5. Active vocabulary

5.1. Word List 1

5.2. Word List (Listening)

5.3. Word List (Reading)