Input/Output Devices of Computers

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Input/Output Devices of Computers por Mind Map: Input/Output Devices of Computers

1. Smartboard: A projection display of computer video output.

1.1. Benefits: The ability to display graphics such as charts and graphs to aid in lessons instantly.

1.2. Challenges: Costly! Smartboard technology is not cheap and requires routine maintenance that if ignored can create delays in lessons.

2. Output

2.1. Speaker: An output that delivers sound from the computer/device.

2.1.1. Benefits: Allows one to listen to music or literature engaging in various learning styles.

2.1.2. Challenges: Developing the proper listening level as not to be disruptive to other students.

3. Input

3.1. Keyboard: To use to key in information into computer.

3.1.1. Benefits: Easily accessible for any age group to learn and use.

3.1.2. Challenges: Learning the keys and shortcuts to complete the tasks.

3.2. Graphic Tablet: An input tablet that allows one to draw images into the computer.

3.2.1. Benefits: The ability to draw and illustrate just as easily as if using a pencil and paper.

3.2.2. Challenges: Learning the technology and getting used to the stylus not to mention cost.