SDL Models

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SDL Models por Mind Map: SDL Models

1. Model 1: TeachThought Self Directed Learning Framework


1.2. Diagram

1.3. 1. Begin With Self-Knowledge

1.3.1. b) What problems or opportunities are within my reach?

1.3.2. a) What’s worth understanding?

1.3.3. c) What important problems & solutions have others before me created?

1.3.4. d) What legacies am I a part of & what does that suggest that I understand?

1.4. 2. Analyze Context

1.4.1. a) What is the modern and historical context of this topic, issue, etc.?

1.4.2. b) What do I need to understand about this issue to grasp its significance and scale?

1.4.3. c) How do pathos/ethos/logos factor? What patterns are apparent?

1.4.4. d) What do experts & non-experts know/believe they know about it?

1.5. 3. Activate Existing Knowledge

1.5.1. a) Roughly brainstorm what you already know: Make true/false statements; give examples & non-examples, or otherwise organize your existing knowledge in some useful or elegant way

1.5.2. b) Concept map your knowledge in a given context

1.5.3. c) Interact with relevant media, resources, & networks

1.5.4. d) Analyze for both the obvious & the nuance; the implicit and explicit

1.6. 4. Design Learning Pathway

1.6.1. a) How can I learn what I need to know?

1.6.2. b) Of what I need to know, what can I gain quickly, & what will require more in-depth study?

1.6.3. c) What technology resources can offer me access to relevant content, resources, & communities?

1.6.4. d) What learning forms or models makes the most sense for me to use?

1.7. 5. Clarify Knowledge

1.7.1. a) Analyze need for creativity, innovation, & information

1.7.2. b) Form new questions based on learning

1.7.3. c) Establish what is or isn’t within your present reach of understanding

1.7.4. d) Revise future learning pathway based on your learning experience, and/or the interaction with mentors & community members

1.8. 6. Apply Understanding

1.8.1. a) What are my standards for quality?

1.8.2. b) What scale does it make the most sense for me to work & study?

1.8.3. c) What change in myself should I expect as a result of my work & study?

1.8.4. d) What related actions do the citizenships of which I am a part suggest or demand?

2. Model 5: Boyatzis' Theory of Self-Directed Learning

2.1. Diagram


2.3. Discovery 1: My Ideal Self

2.3.1. Who do I want to be The power of positive imaging or visioning Can come into conflict with others image of what ourself should be 4 Major Learning Points from the first two doscontinuities in the self directed learning process 1. Engage your passion and create your dreams 2. Know thyself! 3. Identify or Articulate both your strengths (those aspects of yourself you want to preserve) and your gaps or discrepancies of your Real and Ideal Selves (those aspects of yourself you want to adapt or change); and Keep your attention on both characteristics, forces or factors - do not let one become the preoccupation!

2.4. Discovery 2: My Real Self

2.4.1. Who am I? Sources of insight into your Real Self can include Systematically collecting information from other such as 360 degree feedback Bewhavioural feedback such as video or audio recorded interactions or activityes Various psychological tests can help determine or make explicit inner aspects of your real self, such as values, philosophy, traits, motives and such. challenges to an accurate self image (seeing yourself as others see you) Boiling frog syndrome Changes occur over time, so changes of perception may not be noticed. People may not be willing to discuss a change, and therefore not give us feedback To truely consider changing a part of yourself you must have a sense of what you value and want to keep

2.4.2. Discovery 2: My Strengths Where my ideal and real self are similar

2.4.3. Discovery 2: My Gaps Where my ideal and Real self are different

2.5. Discovery 3: My Learning Agenda

2.5.1. Building on my strengths while reducing Gaps

2.5.2. Focusing on the desired future

2.5.3. A learning orientation will replace a performance orientation for those organisations that thrive in the coming decades

2.5.4. Performance at work or happiness in life may be the eventual consequence of our efforts, a learning agenda focuses on development.

2.5.5. Individuals with a learning agenda are more adaptive and orientated toward development

2.5.6. A learning organisation arouses a positive belief in one's capability and hope of improvement

2.5.7. A learning agenda helps a person to focus on what they want to become This results in people setting personal standards of performance, rather than "normative" standards that merely mimic what others have done

2.5.8. Major Learning Point Create your own Personal Learning Agenda!!

2.5.9. 4 different types of planning Objectives Planning Domain and Direction Planing Task or activity orientated planning Present orientated planning a 'non-planning' style

2.5.10. A threat to goal setting and planning is we are already busy Success with SDL will only occur when we can decided which tasks to say 'no' to

2.5.11. Another THreat is the development of a plan that calls for a person to engage in activities different than their prepared learning style Can lead to the learner becoming demotivated.

2.6. Discovery 4: New Behaviour, thoughts and feelings though Experimentation

2.6.1. Discovery 4: Creating and building new neural pathways through practicing to mastery

2.6.2. The potential start of self-drected learning

2.6.3. Start to experiment and practice desired changes.

2.6.4. Then begin to implement them in the setting they will be implemented in

2.6.5. Looks like a process of continuous improvement

2.6.6. Constantly searching for new ways to learn from current or ongoing experiences. Experimentation and practice does not always requirte attending "courses" or a new activity It may involve trying something different in a current setting, Reflecting on what occurs Experimenting further with this setting

2.6.7. The experimentation and practice are most effective when they occur in conditions in which the person feels safe.

2.7. Discovery 5: Trusting Relationships

2.7.1. That help, support and encourage each step in the process

2.7.2. Our relationships are an essential part of our environment. The most crucial relationships are often a part of groups that have particular importance to us

2.7.3. These relationships give us a sense of identify, guide us as to what is appropriate and "good" behavior, and provide feedback on our behavior.

2.7.4. Our relationships are mediators, moderators, interpreters, sources of feedback, sources of support and permission of change and learning

2.7.5. They may also be the most important source of protection from relapses or returning to our earlier forms of behaviour.

2.7.6. Major Learning Points for fourth and fifth discontinuities critical in Self directted learning are 1. Experiment and practice and try to learn more from your experiances 2. Find settings in which you feel psychologically safe within which to experiment and practice! 3. Develop and use your relationships as part of your change and learning process

2.8. The signposts on the path to self-directed learning are:

2.8.1. 1. Has the person engaged their passion and dreams? Can they describe the person they want to be, the life and work they want to have in the future? Can they describe their ideal self?

2.8.2. 2. Does the person know himself or herself? Do they have a sense of their real self?

2.8.3. 3. Can the person articulate both their strengths (those aspects she/ he wants to preserve) and gaps or discrepancies between their real and ideal selves (those aspects he/she wants to adapt or change?)

2.8.4. 4. Has the person help their attention on both strengths and Gaps not letting one become the preoccupation?

2.8.5. 5. Does the person have their own personal learning agenda? IS it really their own? Can the elements of the plan fit into the structure of life and work? Do the actions fit with their learning style and flexibility?

2.8.6. 6. Is the person experimenting and practicing new habits and actions? Is the person using their learning plan to learn more from their experiences?

2.8.7. 7. Has the person found setting in which to experiment and practice in which he/she feels psychologically safe?

2.8.8. 8. Is the person developing and utilising his/her relationships as part of their learning process? Do they have coaches, mentors, firends and others with whom they can discuss progress on their learning agenda? Do they have relationships with whom they can explore each their new behaviour, habits, new ideal self, new real self, new strengths and gaps as the process unfolds?

2.8.9. 9. Are they helping others engage in a self directed learning process?

2.9. Our future may not be entirely within our control but most of what we become is within our power to crate.

2.9.1. "What you can do, or dream you can, begin it, Boldness has genius power and magic in it!

3. Model 3: Song & Hill: A Conceptual Model for understanding SDL in Online Environments

3.1. Model Diagram


3.3. Sees Self Directed Learning deeply connected to the Learning Context

3.3.1. E.g. Online

3.3.2. Face to Face

3.4. See's SDL as a combination of:

3.4.1. Personal Atributes Resources Human Resources Information Resources Learners must seek out resources Learners must evaluate the validity and accuracy of resources Strategies Adopt appropriate Learning strategies for the context Online enables more time for reflection on material. A good strategy would be to make use of that opportunity Face to face enables discussion, interaction and observation of facial expression and body language Need to develop strategies to avoid being misunderstood in text based environment Time management strategies can support learner to prioritise and achieve targets in an online environment Motivation Motivation can be a challenge in online environments due to the "easy to procrastinate nature of online learning" Easy to hide in online environments, to be present but not really present Motivation to contribute in-depth thoughts and ideas may be low. Many will do it because it is a course requirement Lack of a strict schedule in online environments makes it easier to procrastinate

3.4.2. Processes (in an online context) Planning Online learning enables learning to occur anytime anywhere. Learners can plan their learning at a time that is convienient for them Monitoring Unlike an F2f environment where learners can rely upon an instructor to monitor learning progress and comprehension. In an Online environment responsibility falls to the learner Evaluating Some evidence suggests (Pallaff and Pratt, 1997) instructors spend more time delivering learning online than they do face to face. Some suspicion of the expertise of peers in online environment Can be challenging to evaluate one's own learning in online context

4. Model 2: The 9 Domains of the Inside-Out Learning Model


4.2. 1. Five Learning Actuators

4.2.1. a) Project-Based Learning

4.2.2. b) Directed and Non-Directed Play

4.2.3. c) Video Games and Learning Simulations

4.2.4. d) Connected Mentoring

4.2.5. e) Academic Practice

4.3. 2. Changing Habits

4.3.1. c) Reflect on interdependence

4.3.2. d) Honor uncertainty

4.3.3. b) Acknowledge limits and scale

4.3.4. a) Fertilize innovation & design

4.3.5. e) Curate legacy

4.3.6. f) Support systems-level and divergent thinking

4.3.7. g) Reward increment

4.3.8. h) Require versatility in face of change

4.4. 3. Transparency

4.4.1. a) Between communities, learners, and schools

4.4.2. b) Learning standards, outcomes, project rubrics, performance critera persistently visible, accessible, and communally constructed

4.4.3. c) Gamification and publishing replace “grades”

4.5. 4. Self-Initiated Transfer

4.5.1. a) Applying old thinking in constantly changing and unfamiliar circumstances as constant matter of practice

4.5.2. b) Constant practice of prioritized big ideas in increasing complexity within learner ZPD

4.5.3. c) Project-based learning, blended learning, and Place-Based Education available to facilitate highly-constructivist approach

4.6. 5. Mentoring & Community

4.6.1. a) “Accountability” via the performance of project-based ideas in authentic local and global environments

4.6.2. b) Local action –> global citizenship

4.6.3. c) Active mentoring via physical and digital networking, apprenticeships, job shadows and study tours

4.6.4. d) Communal Constructivism, meta-cognition, Cognitive Coaching, and Cognitive Apprenticeship among available tools

4.7. 6. Changing Roles

4.7.1. a) Learners as knowledge makers

4.7.2. b) Teachers as expert of assessment and resources

4.7.3. c) Classrooms as think-tanks

4.7.4. d) Communities not just audience, but vested participants

4.7.5. e) Families as designers, curators, and content resources

4.8. 7. Climate of Assessment

4.8.1. b) Data streams inform progress and suggest pathways

4.8.2. a) Constant minor assessments replace exams

4.8.3. c) Academic standards prioritized and anchoring

4.8.4. d) Products, simulation performance, self-knolwedge delegate academia to new role of refinement of thought

4.9. 8. Thought & Abstraction

4.9.1. a) In this model, struggle and abstraction are expected outcomes of increasing complexity & real-world uncertainty

4.9.2. b) This uncertainty is honored, and complexity and cognitive patience are constantly modeled and revered

4.9.3. c) Abstraction honors not just art, philosophy, and other humanities, but the uncertain, incomplete, and subjective nature of knowledge

4.10. 9. Expanding Literacies

4.10.1. a) Analyzes, evaluates, and synthesizes credible information

4.10.2. b) Critical survey of interdependence of media and thought

4.10.3. c) Consumption of constantly evolving media forms

4.10.4. d) Media design for authentic purposes

4.10.5. e) Self-monitored sources of digital & non-digital data

4.10.6. f) Artistic and useful content curation patterns

4.11. Image

5. Model 4: 9 Characteristics of 21st Century Learning

5.1. 1. Learner-centered

5.2. 2. Media-driven (this doesn’t have to mean digital media)

5.3. 3. Personalized

5.4. 4. Transfer-by-Design

5.5. 5. Visibly Relevant

5.6. 6. Data-Rich

5.7. 7. Adaptable

5.8. 8. Interdependent

5.9. 9. Diverse


5.11. Image: