Gabriella Lopez Bio

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Gabriella Lopez Bio por Mind Map: Gabriella Lopez Bio

1. Work Info

1.1. Bealls

1.1.1. I have worked there for about 4 years. This is my first job in retail.

1.2. Shangri-la Restaurant

1.2.1. Family owned restaurant, i have been working here since i was little. Taught me alot about the restaurant business, customer service, and cooking.

1.3. Babysitting

1.3.1. This helps gain more experience with children, and I love watching little kids!

2. Childhood

2.1. First Pet

2.1.1. When i got my first pet, i was 7 years old. The pet i got was a doberman dog, I named him Thunder.

2.2. First Best Friend

2.2.1. My first best friend was a girl named Catherine Cho, she was my next door neighbor. We would always play outside and get into mischevious trouble.

2.3. First time traveling

2.3.1. I was 3 years old the first time i traveled outside the USA. My grandparents took me to China. ever since, i haven't stopped traveling.

3. Personal Interest

3.1. Judo

3.1.1. I got into judo last semester,its good for the self defense, and lowers my stress level. Plus its a goodwork out! Join Judo club at UCF!

3.2. Weight Lifting

3.2.1. Been weightlifting for about 3 years, i love the adrenaline rush and feeling great about my body.

3.3. B&W Photograph

3.3.1. B&W is one of my passions, i discovered this when i was a junior in highschool. I got an art scholarship from my artwork.