Predictive Analytics

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Predictive Analytics por Mind Map: Predictive Analytics

1. Use Cases

1.1. Retetion

1.1.1. Discover patterns to evaluate that a customer, worker, partner, student is leaving

1.1.2. Check churn correlation

1.2. Effect

1.2.1. Based on these information you provided, it will be approved in 56%

1.3. Trendline

1.3.1. Next month, how many orders will be placed for this product

1.3.2. Prepare myself for the next month

1.4. Business Improvement

1.4.1. Better understand requests taken place

1.4.2. Take actions to improve the process

2. BI ?

2.1. GoodData Insights

3. iBPMs

4. Goal

4.1. What

4.1.1. Allow managers to have more situational awareness

4.1.2. Real-time analytic and decision management

4.2. Why

4.2.1. To make decisions faster

4.2.2. To discover patterns and relationships

4.3. Where

4.3.1. Using all the data that is stored and moved during the process

4.4. When

4.4.1. After have some information rolling inside Fluig Processes

4.5. Who

4.5.1. Managers

4.6. How

4.6.1. Pre-built into Fluig to share correlation and patterns

4.6.2. Showing trend lines

4.7. How Much

4.7.1. TBD