WEB 2.0

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WEB 2.0 por Mind Map: WEB 2.0

1. there are six benefits of web 2.0 emerges from the development of technological generations of collaboration.

1.1. Editing group

1.2. authoring

1.3. dissemination

1.4. networking and maintenance nance

1.5. collective intelligence

1.6. self-organization

2. Web 2.0 tools facilitate interactions, conversations and share knowledge between collegues no matter where they are: FOCUS ON PEOPLE.

2.1. Resulting in the formation of networks made up of digital relationships

2.2. People feel tighter bond with the organization

3. The main obstacles are:

3.1. First, no every organization wants information to grow freely

3.2. Second, the web 2.0 toolf brings some difficulty for the organization, for example introducing social software means ceding control.

4. When the idea banal manner is cheap and easy to set up and develop unlimited digital platforms, often it is beneficial to do so, for the simple reason that the useful ideas and other innovations can come from anywhere.

4.1. When the cost is high quality for design and prototyping becomes low procurement, these resources can be very widely disseminated, and the problem of allocation decreases in importance. The net result is and will be to democratize the opportunity to create

5. Even the best of the new social software platforms are no substitute of leadership and management: these are essential for the sucess of ESSP's.

6. One of the purposes of the company, the value clear of blogs and other forms of authorship is to share knowledge, experience, experience cia, and the vision in a way that is both persistent and easily searchable.

6.1. Organization generates a dynamic repository containing much of what you know

6.2. Users can both produce and consume the contents of this repository over time.